Skin rejuvenation of the body. How to rejuvenate your skin with a rejuvenating bath

Skin rejuvenation of the body in our age of advanced technology, it is possible to make almost any beauty salon or clinic, and could face rejuvenation can even complexes. Techniques very much – medical, surgical, cosmetic, etc, but they are very expensive, and not every woman can afford. In addition, not all of them secure. We will tell you about the completely safe method for skin rejuvenation at home – anti-aging and Wellness baths.

Skin rejuvenation body – rejuvenating bath

bath salt

With age, skin cells aging, start to recover slower and slower. We want this process speeds up or slows down the process of aging. And this is possible. As we have said above, today there are many ways to do it. We propose to use the method of skin rejuvenationthat can be used at home – rejuvenating bath , which is based on useful minerals and other ingredients that are not expensive, or that you can assemble yourself (herbs).

On what condition (freshness, smoothness, elasticity, etc) of our skin? Of course, the condition of her health, which depends on the number of applicants to their cells of nutrients and oxygen. What the skin needs to be powered from within, it is undeniable that without this you can not be beautiful and young, on the outside, but and rejuvenating baths are also actively involved in the healing process, improves the metabolism and blood circulation, thus facilitating more efficient assimilation of nutrients.

According to the compositions and substances that are added to a rejuvenating bath, soak in the skin and make it more elastic, supple and soft. This can be a different essential oils, plant extracts, minerals, milk, juice, etc., let's look at some effective recipes rejuvenating baths.

Skin rejuvenation – rejuvenates the body bath recipes

The simplest rejuvenating bathis a bath with sea salt. Sea salt contains a huge amount of useful elements that contribute to the fact that the skin becomes smooth, elastic and not hard. Baths with sea salt relieve the flaking and irritation and tone the skin, and the withdrawal from it of harmful toxins.

Prepare a bath is a snap: type in a full tub of water (37-38°C) and add about 300 grams of sea salt.

Take a rejuvenating sea salt bath in the evening for 15-20 minutes.

Also a wonderful rejuvenating effect of having a bath with sea algae (extracts of laminaria or fucus). In the seaweed contains a lot of useful substances to the skin, which land plants do not occur. These baths can be purchased in pharmacies.

That they should be so that you follow the instructions listed on the packaging.

clay baths

Bath with clay is another way to rejuvenate the skin. This bath improves skin tone, improves blood flow and effectively removed from the skin sebum, dead skin cells and dirt. For the preparation of these baths it is better to use white or blue clay. Dissolve in warm water filled the tub, not more than 500 grams of clay and take a bath for 20 minutes. Then take a warm shower without using soap or gel.

For a skin rejuvenating bath uses a cool bath (water temperature should not exceed +20°C). In this prevents early appearance of wrinkles and holyblue the skin of the bath is added to both the use of pine needles, or pine oil. Take such a bath should not be more than 5 minutes, otherwise you will get hypothermia and get sick.

Bath with milk also helps rejuvenate the skin. These baths can be both goat's and cow's milk and with the addition of juices and oils. So, pour in the bath water (36-37°C) not more than 2 litres of goat's milk and take it in 25 minutes. Then, without rinsing, Pat skin with a towel.

The following recipe for rejuvenating milk bath can be used as a cow's and goat's milk. Milk (2 litres), it is necessary to slightly heat and dissolve in it 15ml rose oil. The resulting mixture pour into the tub with water and lasts 15 minutes. Then accende intus stupam in the shower.

>For skin rejuvenation, you can use and herbal baths. These baths also have anti-aging effect and soothing. So, take 2 tablespoons. spoon birch leaves, strawberry, eucalyptus, 3 tablespoons of mint, the 1.5 tablespoons of walnut leaves, this mixture pour with 2 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for about two hours. After this infusion of strain, and pour into a tub with water. Take a bath no longer than 20 minutes.

Also rejuvenate the skin of the body may be taking a bath with thyme and lemon-balm. 100 grams of each herb pour a liter of boiling water, cover and steep for about 1.5 hours. Then proceed as in the previous recipe.

Also rejuvenating bath can be made from the collection of herbs, such as lavender, yarrow, mint, chamomile and rosemary. These herbs fill in the gauze bag, fill it with boiling water and make an infusion. It is the infusion added to the bath water and are in for 15-20 minutes.

bath with herbs

Skin rejuvenation of the body – the rules for the admission of a rejuvenating bath

The first thing before how to take a rejuvenating bath, you need to thoroughly wash. Promotes better skin absorption of nutrients. You should not take a rejuvenating bath with a full stomach – after a meal should be taken at least 2 hours. If time permits, it is better to do this procedure before meals.

Pleasant cold bath when the water temperature is not more than 20°C and taking de for about 5 minutes. Neutral (34-37°C) and warm (37-39°C) baths – not more than 20-25 minutes and hot (40-42°C) – 5 to 10 minutes. If you are prone to diseases of the heart and the circulatory system, and hot baths are contraindicated.